Chin Uy | Ronald Fernandez | Ronaldo Manalo | Belinda de Castro | Sr. Rosanne Mallillin |
September 19, 2022
People are becoming aware of the time and effort saved and of the up-to-date information gathered when using technology. In this context, a website on students' experiences was created to allow stakeholders to compare the quality of services delivered by some tertiary educational institutions. The paper's main objective is to evaluate whether the characteristics are significantly related to the quality of the website using the ISO 9126 model. The first and second-order confirmatory analyses proved that the instrument used has good validity and reliability. Each of the four characteristics significantly contributed to measuring the website quality, with portability as the most important, followed by functionality. This is due to the diversity of electronic devices used by stakeholders. To complete the six characteristics, members of the development team gave high ratings for their reliability and maintainability. Recommendations were made on how to enhance the developed website and to assess the enhanced website further. Keywords: efficiency, functionality, portability, usefulness
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