Renie Lipo | Jeena Sandra Manrique, RND |

June 03, 2020
Food Technology

The overall objective of the study is to develop breadfruit (Altocalpus, altilis) as an additional source of flour in baked products. The matured and unripe breadfruits were washed in clean running water to remove latex and dirt. Then the fruits were peeled manually using a stainless kitchen knife. Peeled fruits are sliced into chips, weighed and blanched for 5 minutes then dried in hot air oven at 100oF for 5-6 hours. The dried chips were grounded using electric grinder. The product was used to bake a pie crust, cookies, and batter cake. Sensory evaluations were conducted as well as cost benefit analysis, with the breadfruit flour yielding favorable results for each. Comparisons with existing products were also done, with the breadfruit flour gaining a slightly higher adjectival rating than existing products. Overall, it is concluded that breadfruit ) is a good source of flour for baked products.

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